
I/O MTUs - S800 I/OTU891

The TU891 MTU has gray terminals for field signals and process voltage connections. The maximum rated voltage is 50 V and maximum rated current is 2 A per channel, but these are primarily constrained to specific values by the design of the I/O modules for their certified application. The MTU distributes the ModuleBus to the I/O module and to the next MTU. It also generates the correct address to the I/O module by shifting the outgoing position signals to the next MTU.

Two mechanical keys are used to configure the MTU for different types of I.S. I/O modules. This is only a mechanical configuration and it does not affect the functionality of the MTU or the I/O module. The keys used on the TU891 are of the opposite gender to those on any other type of MTU and will mate only with IS I/O modules.

Features and benefits

  • Intrinsic safety applications - use with AI890, AI893, AI895, AO890, AO895, DI890 and DO890
  • Compact installations of I/O modules
  • Field signals and process power connections
  • Connections to ModuleBus and I/O modules
  • Mechanical keying prevents insertion of the wrong module
  • Latching device to DIN rail
  • DIN rail mounting